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Receiving data from Arduino:

In this example, a distance sensor (SHARP 2Y0A2) will be used to edit a Slicer linear transformation. The transformation can be used to translate whatever model/volume in Slicer.

Exemplary Slicer scene can be downloaded from here.

The code for Arduino is the following (sensor connected to pin A0):

int sensorpin = 0;                      // analog pin used to connect the sharp sensor
int val = 0;                            // variable to store the values from sensor(initially zero)
float scalefactor = 10.0;               // this depends on the specific slicer scene

void setup()
  Serial.begin(9600);                   // starts the serial monitor
void loop()
  val = analogRead(sensorpin);          // reads the value of the sharp sensor
  Serial.println(val * scalefactor);    // prints the value of the sensor to the serial monitor
  delay(200);                           // wait for this much time before printing next value

The code to be written into the Python shell embedded in Slicer is the following (set the proper transformation node ID according to the specific Slicer scene):

class ExternalTransformationController():
  Class for probe control.
  def __init__(self):

    # Get Arduino node from Slicer scene
    self.ArduinoNode = slicer.mrmlScene.GetFirstNodeByName("arduinoNode")
    # Add observer to Arduino node and define the function to execute when an parameter is modified
    sceneModifiedObserverTag = self.ArduinoNode.AddObserver(vtk.vtkCommand.ModifiedEvent,
    # Get Transformation node from the scene
    self.transform = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID("vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode7")
    # Initialize identity matrix to be used for probe translation
    self.matrix = vtk.vtkMatrix4x4()

  def editTransformation(self, caller, event):
    Function ran when an parameter into the Arduino node is modified.
    # Edit matrix according to the data read from the distance sensor
    self.matrix.SetElement(2, 3, float(self.ArduinoNode.GetParameter("Data")))
    # Update transformation node
    # Refresh Slicer views

# Instantiate object, this will enable the quasi-real time probe control
controller = ExternalTransformationController()

Once the link has been established by using of SlicerArduino, the data coming from the sensor (move a hand back and forward) will edit the transformation node that, in turn, will move the associated model/volume.

Send data to Arduino:

In this example a linear servomotor (Actuonix L16 Actuator 50mm) is controlled by using a translation computed by Slicer. The example mimics a radiotherapy couch correction on basis of the alignment of daily and planning CTs.

The Arduino code is (sensor connected to pin 9):

 * range servo ms 1000 -- 2000 -> 0 -- 4.8 cm
 * 1 ms -> 0.0048 cm
 * 1 cm -> 208.3 ms

#include <Servo.h>

#define LINEARACTUATORPIN 9      //Linear Actuator Digital Pin

Servo LINEARACTUATOR;           // create servo objects to control the linear actuator

int minValue = 1000;
int maxValue = 2000;
float translation;

void setup()
  //initialize servo/linear actuator objects
  LINEARACTUATOR.attach(LINEARACTUATORPIN, minValue, maxValue);   // attaches/activates the linear actuator as a servo object    
  //use the writeMicroseconds to set the linear actuators to their default positions


void loop()

  if (Serial.available() > 0)
    translation = Serial.parseFloat() * 0.1; // Slicer use mm
    if (translation <= 4.8) // max displacement
      LINEARACTUATOR.writeMicroseconds(minValue + (translation*208.3));


The code to be written into the Python shell embedded in Slicer is the following (set the proper transformation node ID according to the specific Slicer scene):

# Get transformation node from Slicer scene
transformation_node = slicer.mrmlScene.GetNodeByID("vtkMRMLLinearTransformNode4")

# Get transformation matrix from node
transformation_matrix = transformation_node.GetMatrixTransformFromParent()

# Get z translation
z_translation = transformation_matrix.GetElement(2,3)

# Send translation to Arduino board
slicer.modules.arduinoconnect.widgetRepresentation().self().logic.sendMessage("%.3f" % (z_translation))